February 9, 2025 -- 5th Sunday after the Epiphany

Worship Folder

Weekly News

8:00am Worship
9:15am Bible Study
10:30am Worship

7:00pm Monday
Past Services

Welcome to Grace!

We are a friendly community of people committed to proclaiming God's grace through faith and love. We gather to grow in faith in our Lord Jesus Christ through the Word of God and His grace in the sacraments. We love our greater community through acts of service and giving to our neighbors.

We are a Christian congregation centered in the community of Monroe, Michigan. We are a member congregation of the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

To keep up with the latest here at Grace we encourage you to head over to our facebook page and Follow us. We share regular devotions and other updates on recent and upcoming events.

We want to help you

Build Relationships

Because God put us here to be there for each other.

Know Jesus

Because He is God and Lord. Christ Alone. Grace Alone.

Love Your Neighbor

Life is about love. We love to serve, and we serve with love.



8 AM, 10:30 AM

Bible Study

Sunday School

9:15 AM



7 PM

"Everyone there treats each other like family, blessed to be a member at a wonderful church!" - facebook review

"Grace Lutheran Church has been very active in supporting non-profits and the Recovery Community." - facebook review